
Kevin hehefdshhfdshfdseheheeehehehehehheheeehhehehehehheheh

Justin Keeney:

I am currently a Junior majoring in Biomolecular Science with a minor in Biology. I am from Ypsilanti Michigan and I am the middle

child of 3 boys. I play tennis, soccer, and I am a marathon Netflixer. I eventually want to go to medical school after I complete my

undergraduate degree and get both an M.D. and a Ph. D. I would really like to go into some sort of biomedical research.


Kevin Gorman:

I am currently a first year student studying at the University of Michigan. I am originally from Connecticut and am currently thinking of

a major in Chemistry or Pharmacuetical Sciences with a minor in German. I enjoy running, playing sports, and watching movies in my

free time. Family and friends are more important than anything else to me.


Uriel Lee:

I was born and raised in Maryland and I am a freshman, with no decalred major yet. On campus I am involved in LSA Student

Government and the Neuroscience Student Association (NSA). In my free time I enjoy tumblr-ing, running, DIY-ing, thrift shopping,

and drinking coffee.